I beieve that the filofax Cuban, is one of the most tactile organisers I have owned. The obvious padding, silky smooth Italian leather and the rich colours equal a luxurious combination.
The Cuban was available in most sizes also zipped or strap closure in Personal & A5. A range of colours that included black, saddle brown, chili and ink, so there was a model for almost everyone.
This model wears well and does after some use fold almost flat, though I did give my chili some good old bending and manipulation before starting to use.
Some may note that my Chili Cuban is not as it's original colour and this is because I have died the exterior to tone down the brightness (I could not get hold of an Ink version at the time). It is now more of a maroon on the outside, however I left the interior as it was. This was done as I just felt that I wanted to make it a teeny bit more masculine (my opinion only) and I was pleased with the results as the contrasts are great.